César Rosado Marzán
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César F. Rosado Marzán,abogado y sociologo estadounidense nacido en Puerto Rico. Master y Doctor en Derecho y Doctor en Sociología.
- (2005) - PhD en Sociología, Universidad Princeton
- (2004) - Juris Doctor en la Universidad de Pennsilvania.
- (2000) - Master of Arts en Princeton
- (1997) - Bachiller, Bachelor of Arts, en Havenford College.
En la Escuela de Derecho de Chicago-Kent College.
- (2019-presente) - Profesor jornada completa
- (2015-2019) - Profesor asociado
- (2008-2015) - Profesor asistente
- (2019) - Charla: “Relacionando reguladores: La OIT, la OMC y cadenas globales de valor”. en el Semiario Desafíos de la Protección Laboral en el Siglo XXI: 100 años de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo
- (2019) - Principled Labor Law: US. Labor La Through a Latin American Method (con Sergio Gamonal Contreras) (Oxford University Press, 2019). Ganador del “Mejor Obra Judicial – Simon Bolívar,” del Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico.
- (2014) - El principio de protección del trabajador en el derecho norteamericano (Coautoría con Sergio Gamonal Contreras.) (Legal Publishing/Thomson Reuters, 2014)
- () - Principled Hope: Labor Law Reform from an “Alt-Labor” Perspective, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF U.S. LABOR LAW: REVIVING AMERICAN LABOR FOR A 21ST CENTURY ECONOMY 361-372 (RICHARD BALES & CHARLOTTE GARDEN) (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).
- (2018) - The Labor Judge Unleashed, 43 LAW & SOCIAL INQUIRY 1574-1603
- (2018) - Organizing the State: The “New Labor Law” Seen from the Bottom-Up (with Michael C. Oswalt), 39 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR LAW 415-480
- (2018) - Dignity Takings and Wage Theft, 92 CHICAGO-KENT LAW REVIEW 1203-1223 (symposium essay, 2018).
- (2017) - Worker Centers and the Moral Economy: Disrupting through Brokerage, Prestige, and Moral Framing, UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LEGAL FORUM 409-434 (symposium article, 2017).
- (2016) - The Limits of Human Rights for Labor Rights: A Retrospective Look at the Case of Chile, in THE ILO FROM GENEVA TO THE PACIFIC RIM: WEST MEETS EASt 206-232 (Jill M. Jensen & Nelson Lichtenstein eds.) (Palgrave McMillan and International Labor Office, 2016).
- (2016) - Age Discrimination and Labor Law in Latin America: The Challenges of Equality Law in Light of Underdevelopment (with Sergio Gamonal C.), in AGE DISCRIMINATION AND LABOR LAW:COMPARATIVE AND CONCEPTUAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE EU AND BEYOND 357-378 (Ann
Numhauser-Henning & Mia Rönnmar eds.) (Wolters Kluwer, 2016).
- (2015) - Work, Study, Organize!: Why the Northwestern University Football Players are Employees Under the National Labor Relations Act (with Alex Tillett-Saks), 32 HOFSTRA LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW JOURNAL 301-343 (article, 2015).
- (2014) - Protecting Workers as a Matter of Principle: A Latin American View of U.S. Work Law (with Sergio Gamonal C.), 13 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY GLOBAL STUDIES LAW REVIEW 605-665 (article, 2014).
- (2013) - Organizing with International Framework Agreements: An Exploratory Study, 4 UC IRVINE LAW REVIEW 725-780 (symposium article, 2013).
- () - Labor’s Soft Means and Hard Challenges: Fundamental Discrepancies and the Promise of NonBinding Arbitration for International Framework Agreements, 98 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW 1749-1804 (symposium article).
- (2014) - Danbury Hatters in Sweden: A U.S. Perspective on the Available Remedies and Sanctions For Employers Who Suffer Unfair Labor Practices by Labor Unions (with Margot Nikitas), 30 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 339-356 (peer-reviewed article, 2014).
- (2014) - El Bajo Vientre del Jaguar: La Fiscalización y la Ausencia de Autotutela en el Derecho Laboral Chileno (The Jaguar’s Underbelly: Labor Inspection and Workers’ Organization in Chile), 2 REVISTA DE DERECHO LABORAL Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL 13-36 (article, 2014).
- (2013) - No More Solitude? Workers’ Conditions and Rights in Latin America During the Great Recession, 17 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 291-307 (symposium essay, 2013).
- (2012) - Punishment and Work Law Compliance, Lessons from Chile, 29 HOFSTRA LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW JOURNAL 343-405 (article, 2012).
- (2010) - Of Labor Inspectors and Judges: Chilean Labor Law Enforcement after Pinochet (And What the United Sates Can Do to Help), 54 SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY LAW JOURNAL 497-524 (symposium essay, 2010).
- (2009) - Pirates of the Caribbean: SEIU’s Failed Bid in Puerto Rico, 12 WORKING USA, JOURNAL OF LABOR AND SOCIETY 235-247 (peer-reviewed essay, 2009).
- (2009) - Derecho laboral y organización sindical en Puerto Rico, 68 REVISTA DEL COLEGIO DE ABOGADOS DE PUERTO RICO 124-150 (article, 2007) (cited in dissenting Puerto Rico Supreme Court opinion, Gonzalez v. Mayaguez Resort & Casino, 176 D.P.R. 848, 876 (2009).
- (2007) - Solidarity or Colonialism? The Polemic of “Labor Colonialism” in Puerto Rico, 10 WORKING USA, JOURNAL OF LABOR AND SOCIETY 287-299 (peer-reviewed essay, 2007).
- (2005) - Successful Wage Moderation: Trust, Labor Market Centralization, and Wage Moderation in Puerto Rico’s Experience with Export-led Development, 9.2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW, http://www.ejcl.org/92/abs92-3.html (peer-reviewed article, 2005).
- (2001) - El impacto del arbitraje en los patrones huelgarios de Puerto Rico, 1956-1995. 31 REVISTA DE ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PUERTO RICO, 367-387 (peer reviewed article, 2001).
Recensiones y comentarios de jurisprudencia
- (2019) - Root-Cause Regulation: Protecting Work and Workers in the Twenty-First Century, 40 COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW AND POLICY JOURNAL 467-476 (book review, 2019).
- (2018) - Justice Delayed, Justice Compared: Leon Fink and Juan Manuel Palacio, Labor Justice across the Americas, 27 NEW LABOR FORUM 106-112 (book review, 2018).
- (2018) - Workers’ Privacy in the Employment Contract: Developments From Chile (conSergio Gamonal Contreras), COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW AND POLICY JOURNAL DISPATCHES, June 27, 2018, https://cllpj.law.illinois.edu/dispatches (case commentary, 2018).
- (2016) - NCP Starbucks Decision Helps Advance Compliance with OECD Guidelines, 2 INTERNATIONAL LABOR RIGHTS CASE LAW 175-179 (case commentary, 2016).
- (2015) - Continuity Despite Change: The Politics of Labor Regulation in Latin America, 36 COMPARATIVE LABOR LAW AND POLICY JOURNAL 463-471 (book review, 2015).
- (2015) - The Fissured Workplace, 19 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND EMPLOYMENT POLICY JOURNAL 331-343 (book review, 2015).
- (2003) - Success Through Political Action: A Review of Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector, 5 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW 655-664 (book review, 2003).